Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Welcome to our Baby Blog!

Kyle and I are so excited to be welcoming our little boy into our family and to be sharing the journey with you! We are a little late on getting this started (considering I'm over 5 months!), but we figured better late than never. We will start with a quick recap of things up to this point:

I was very lucky (knock on wood) to have a relatively easy first trimester! I only had slight nausea and never got sick. My main symptom was the exhaustion. I was always tired - Kyle liked to refer to it as "toothpick eyes" because I couldn't hold them open! Seeing the heartbeat at the first ultrasound was absolutely amazing... we actually found out at that point that I was not quite as far along as we thought (about 6 1/2 wks as opposed to 8 wks). They set a new due date of March 6th. I also developed a super sense of smell during that time - what I like to call my "Spidey Sense". I could smell anything a mile away, which could be good and bad at times!

As the first trimester ended, I kept waiting for my bloat to turn into a bump and it wasn't looking like it was going to happen anytime soon! Any of the few symptoms I had subsided by about 11 or 12 weeks. Things were great - I was feeling like myself again, except for my clothes were getting rather snug. I finally started showing around 16 or 17 weeks. I still think if you didn't know me, I looked like had gained a freshman fifteen beer belly! We were getting so anxious about finding out the sex with only a couple weeks left.

At our 19 week appointment, we got an anatomy ultrasound. The baby was being very difficult and was rather squished up in there, so we were getting worried we wouldn't get a good look at the sex. But he finally moved to where the tech got a good angle and we found out - IT'S A BOY! Unfortunately we are not going to be the ones to break the Gordon curse... Jenn and Justin - the chance is still yours! We felt the first kicks that Sunday after finding out during a Cowboys game (guess he likes football!). It was such an amazing feeling, and I'm so glad he kicked hard enough for Kyle to be able to feel it as well. It was really special.

I am now 23 weeks and still feeling great! I officially look pregnant and have to wear real maternity clothes. I was dreading them, but they aren't actually that bad! I'm still trying to find a good pair of jeans though... We are trying to decide one a name, but it changes every day. We have had many fun name brainstorm sessions with family and friends. Some really strange names have been thrown out there, but we have also gotten some really great ones! We have started looking at baby gear - Babies R Us is a little overwhelming to say the least! I think we are making headway though. I still haven't had any cravings, but I think I feel like I'm allowed to have sweets a little more often than I used to ;)

Now you are up to speed! We will continue to add updates. Make sure you follow us if you want to be notified when new posts are added or check back regularly. I will try to take some pictures and post them for those of you that are not nearby us.

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