Monday, December 7, 2009

Third Trimester!

Well, I have officially moved into the third trimester! I can't believe it, time has flown by so fast and I know it will only go faster. I'm still feeling great for the most part. Sleeping is getting more and more uncomfortable (and this lingering cold I have doesn't help...). I bought a body pillow about a week ago, but it hasn't really done the trick. It takes up so much room in the bed and it doesn't do me any good if I roll over. So I am still trying to figure out how exactly to make it work with all the restrictions (no lying on your back or your stomach, and your supposed to be on your left side, but your stomach hangs down, etc...)!

My back is also starting to hurt lately, not too bad, but it's getting more noticeable. Some days are worse than others depending on how much and how I have been sitting.

He is definitely getting bigger, but still has plenty of room to move around in there because he is VERY active. He kicks all the time and particularly likes when I eat something sweet (which I'm pretty sure all babies like). That is probably one of my favorite parts about pregnancy - feeling him move around! It's a little weird when I really think about it, but it's also comforting at the same time. I also love that it's the one way Kyle can really get a little closer to him. It's amazing to just sit and watch the ripples across my tummy!

More to come regarding Kyle's promise of a name announcement...

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