Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Month Bday and Two Year Anniversary!

Parker was officially one month old on Friday! Gosh, time is flying by! He is getting bigger and is more awake now with a little bit more of a personality. He will make eye contact with you now (which is nice as opposed to the blank stare we're used to!). He is also starting to use his voice to make sounds now instead of just grunting and crying. He just gets more handsome everyday! I can't help but stare at him all the time - how can you not when there is always a new and exciting face!? He is also probably getting annoyed with how much I slather him with kisses, but I just can't resist.
Although he is getting bigger, he is still in the Newborn size diapers. And let me tell you, we go through those like crazy! We use a whole 84 pack every week. People told us you go through a lot of diapers and they weren't kidding! We also are starting to give him some formula to make a slow transition off of nursing. He just gets one bottle a day right now and we will slowly start to add more. He is taking to it very well and it doesn't seem to phase him. He goes back and forth with no problem!

Our new found gadget that is AMAZING is the Itzbeen timer! This thing is a must-have for new parents! We just love how it keeps track of everything and alarms us when it's time to eat or nap, etc. I highly recommend this to anyone trying to keep a schedule for their baby and doesn't want to keep an eye on the clock all the time...
Kyle and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary this weekend as well! It was actually yesterday, the 29th, but he was traveling for work so we went out to eat on Sunday. That was our first time to go out together without Parker! It was nice to be able to leave him in the trusted hands of my parents for a little while. We needed a date night to ourselves and it was a much needed break. It's amazing how much has happened in the past two years since the wedding... we are just growing up so fast, but I know we also have so much ahead of us in the years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie - Believe me it just get's better everyday. Jacoby just started rolling over and to me it is the most amazing thing. I worry about too many kisses too, but I don't think it is possible to kiss your baby too much or to spoil them. Thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences.
