Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Final Countdown...

First and foremost, the shower this past weekend was amazing! I want to thank everyone for traveling to make the event. It was great to see everyone from Houston and was nice to have the whole Austin gang in town for the weekend. We had quite a full house last Saturday night and cooked in. It was so much fun!

I think we are almost all set for Parker now... just a few things left to get. We went to Babies R Us today and exchanged a few items to get the remaining things we must have when he arrives. We also just have a few small details to take care of in the nursery, then I promise I will post pictures!

Well, I am officially 38 weeks now! At my appointment on Wednesday I was 2.5 cm dilated and 75% effaced - moving right along! I have experienced a few Braxton Hicks contractions over the last week as well.

Kyle and I have decided we are going to induce this coming Friday, February 26th! Don't worry, nothing is wrong - this just provides Kyle the opportunity to plan to have the store covered so he can stay home with us a bit longer. This also makes it easier for his family to come as well. It will be exactly one week early, and things should hopefully go smoothly considering the progress I have already made.

There is of course always a chance that he could come sooner... in fact, I went through a couple hours of false contractions last night from about 12-3am. That certainly did not feel good, but I guess he just wasn't quite ready to join us! We will go in very early Friday morning and I promise we will post pictures once he arrives! That's all I have for now - Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. delivery is such a magical moment. you will fall in love as soon as you meet him! I pray all goes well and smoothly :) take care and God bless...Umoh Cloud
