Thursday, February 11, 2010

Trying to get ready...

Well, I will be 37 weeks on Saturday - only 3 more weeks to go! So much has happened over the past few weeks, sorry I haven't updated anything!

We have been doing everything we can to prepare for Parker's arrival... The nursery furniture is in. We have the bedding (minus a mattress - we need to get that this weekend!). Working on all the decorations for the room (drapes, rug, pictures, nik-naks, etc). 

We had a lovely shower in Austin a couple weeks ago. It was great to see all the ladies and we really appreciated everyone making the time to come! Thanks so much to Caron, Kathy, Sis, Jenn and Kim for putting that together for us! And thanks to Jill for making the precious baby cookies and cupcakes - they were just adorable!

Last weekend we had a co-ed shower with all of our close friends and some of their parents. It was so much fun and everything looked so cute (western themed)! Ivy, Whitney, Kerrie and Dee did a great job! The boys didn't really understand why they were there, so we tried to zip through the baby stuff quickly for them. Kyle and I were opening presents simultaneously, and the funniest part was that he got the gift back with all of the breastfeeding items! It was hilarious!
 We have another shower at my office today and then the last one is this weekend with all of our family and friends in Dallas. We are so blessed that so many people want to celebrate our new bundle of joy with us! Thank you to everyone!

Well, as of my doctor's appointment yesterday, I am 2 cm dilated already and about 50% effaced! So I'm moving right along. We don't know if that means he will come early or not, it's still just a waiting game.  The doctor also thinks he is pretty big (close to 7 lbs right now), so there is a chance we could need to induce a little early. We will see after next week's appointment though if that is the case. We will definitely keep everyone updated though as things progress! I will also post pictures of the nursery once we have it all put together!

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